As you (better) know, me and Newgrounds user The-One-Banana are creating a game called Collect the Damn Egg! Well, first of all, here is the demo: 6404_Game.php
Well, that demo is maybe... 5% done.
The final version will have:
*A save system
*Unlockable characters (we're thinking of NG emoticons, like Angry Faic)
*Our original characters
*A 5th level (which will have a boss)
*A menu and working pre-loader, along with an instruction screen
*Puzzle mode
*Gravity mode, where the controls are harder, and the walls hurt you
*Each character will have different stats (How high their health is, how fast they are, and how far they bounce off of walls)
*Special character abilities
*Local multiplayer (who can collect the most eggs in a minute)
*Maybe a timed mode (get as many eggs as possible in 60 sec, with a scoreboard)
And, guess what; on a forum I go on (, I found a link to this site: playerapi/overview
which gives API downloads for free online play, and we may make our game HAVE AN ONLINE MODE! It will have a mode to see who can collect the most eggs in a minute, AND co-op for the puzzle and single-player mode!
Basically, with that site, you can download online play API (I'm explaining it for n00bs), and add it to your games! They say that the online is pretty lag-free, and best of all, IT'S FREE! Expect our game to be done around early next year. I hope you guys enjoy it!