View Profile Renandchi2
I make things sometimes!

Age 29, Male


Joined on 7/24/08

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Renandchi2's News

Posted by Renandchi2 - February 18th, 2009

YAY! I made a new tutorial collab! The objective is to make tutorials based on cool, small things you can do with Flash (lip sync, fire, simple AS, etc). You have until April (tenative due date) so get cracking!

Also, PM me if you like my sig (below)! I'm kepping track how many people like it. See ya!

You can also comment this newspost

New collab!

Posted by Renandchi2 - February 12th, 2009

There will be (counting me) 8 people co-authored.
Join the fun now!
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 27781

This collab (parts due April 15th) parodies movie cliches, like cold openings, and the Star Wars intros. I don't feel like re-inacting the whole post, so read it there.

In other news, I decided to make a friends list (idea stolen, btw). If I forget people, don't fret-I plan to update this.

A good friend of mine, both here and many other forums. We are around the same age, which gives us a connecting connection (I'm 13, he's 12)
An admin of a forum he owns, he is a great man. It is easy to get along with him
Another great guy from Argentin's forum. We are also around the same age (he's 14) and he's helped me clear some AS in my games
A cool guy and an even greater AS3 coder, Woad is a fun, funny guy, and I am a big fan of his games
We used to hate eachother. He is a good guy, and a great designer
A great programmer and a generally nice guy, Banana is also really funny
A nice guy, and I like his games too. He is a nice guy to talk to
A nice guy helping me make a game. He is a good person, and is a great artist

So far, that's it. I plan to add more, though. Bye!

Posted by Renandchi2 - February 6th, 2009

Hello all. I have some news: I am making a sequel to my Halloween 2008 platformer, Going Up! Tenatively titled Going Up! 2, it will include all new gameplay aspects, such as platforms with special abilities, save/load, possibly a level editor, and more!
The programmer will be NG user LuciousClump. He has no Flash submissions, but sent me a platformer engine that you can play at the end of this post, and it is pretty solid.
I would explain more, but due to getting good grades in art class, I'm in a bad mood. So I'll wrap it up:
To play the demo LuciousClump sent me:
http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/230109 /70000_GrappleTestStage.php
And to play the original Going Up!

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 31st, 2009

Remember when I said I'm making a physics game, Stack 'Em? Well, the art is completed. It's not gonna be that long; it's basically all in one big level, like Time4Cat. If it would have 10 levels like I wanted, it would get repetitive. So let me explain a little:
User DragonJet is programming. He said he can do everything I said, including physics, so I'm really grateful of him. He said he doesn't wanna be co-authored though, so yeah.
It will play like this:
Blocks fall from the top of the screen, right? One at a time, like Tetris. You have to grab it with the mouse, position it, and let go. Then it falls, either onto the narrow platform or the other blocks.
There are 4 arrows at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on will turn the block that's in the air 90 degrees in the direction of the arrow. This is useful for some of the blocks, cause their shape is not smmytrical, meaning they can fall easily.
You have to stack as high as possible. You have three lives; if a block falls on the edge, off the platform, you lose a life. After you lose all 3 lives, the game's over.

Well, that's basically it. Any questions, reply to the newspost

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 28th, 2009

EDIT: The game is IN DEVELOPMENT! I found an awesome programmer who knows physics, save/load, etc. I won't say who it is yet, though. Expect the game in Feb/March.

Yes, I may make a new game, and this time, IT'S ORIGINAL! HYUK HYUK!
Ok, hillbilly stage over... now on to the game.
Have any of you ever played Topple on the iPhone? I'll wait for your answers... ok, good. Well, I wanna make a game kinda like that, but with obviously different controls. But the game I wanna make is designed for the WiiMote.
It will be called Stack 'Em. I don't feel like explaining Topple, so check it up yourself, but here is the laydown of Stack 'Em.
There will be 10-20 levels. Each one has a smaller time limit, and a higher goal point, based on progression. Now, one block appears on the top of the screen. You either stack it on another block, or put it on the ground. As soon as you put it somewhere, another appears. You have to stack it as high as possible in the given time limit. Levels get harder, etc etc.
It's not 100% original (I've seen a few stacking games in the days of my youth) but it's still a fun ''sequel'' to one of the iPhone's most populer free apps. I don't have a gaurenteed programmer, but I know a guy that will probably do it. If not, I will post in the Flash forum. Oh, and I forgot to say; it will obviously incorporate a lot of physics. Just read up about Topple, and you will get a better idea.

Oh, and let me explain; You grab the blocks, let go, EVERYTHING with just the mouse. So I will export this as Flash Player 7 format, and upload it here, Kongregate, etc. I plan to make it work on the Wii. A game like this, if it was good on the iPhone, will be great with the Wiimote. Drag with the remote and holding A, drop by letting go... it's a perfect image in my head. So if you want the full experience when it comes out, download the Opera Browser on Wii... and get a Wii if you don't have one. But don't worry; it will bee fully playeable with a mouse.

In other related news, check out this menu design I made for the game. I wanna polish the final one up a little, and add backrounds, but this is basically it. More info soon!
Sorry about the decent quality; it will look good as a Flash.

New game? POSSIBLY!

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 24th, 2009

Wow! My contest ran for about 2 weeks, and got 22 participants! Everone had a 1/23 chance of winning, cause it was random. But I am here to announce the winner!
I made a new Flash document, and on frame 1, put a button. Then from frames 2-24, I put the name of each participant, and on one frame, the word none. I put a code on the button to make it so when I click, I go to a random frame. And the winner of the contest (seen on the newspost before this) is...
Yes, I guess the button just loved him. I just for fun reloaded the movie, to make a...
Yeah, I decided to make a second prize. Ironically, it again landed on Lenny. So I loaded it up for a 3RD TIME. And the winner of the second prize is...
Yes, the member I used to hate, we finally stopped hating eachother. PROGRESS!

Well, I will list the prizes:
1st place: Provide me an image, and when I get my tablet next month, I will draw it in Flash! It has to be a human or animal. If no image is provided within the time I get a tablet, I will mooch one off of Google.
2nd place: Damn! Since I didn't imagine having a ssecond prize, I'm sitting here trying to think of one! Um... UMMMMMMMMMM... I GOT IT!
LongHorn, I hope you make movies (Flash, Youtube, anything) cause you will be recieving a story written by me! It can be a telaplay, a short story... ANYTHING, as long as you give me a genre and a bare bones description of what you want (eg ''I want a story about a man and his cheese getting into wacky mishaps''). You can create a video, and not give me credit (though I'd appreciate it).

Now, if the winners agree, they can swap prizes. Bu that's not up to me.

Congrats to all the winners! I will PM them, and discuss more via PM's later. Sorry to everyone else, but this WAS random. I may do this again, bt with different prizes. But until then, see ya!
Thank you! You've been great! I love you all!

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 11th, 2009


Current participants:

I will PM the winner, and make a new newspost. Good luck to all, and remember: IT'S RANDOM, AND THERE'S A 1/23 CHANCE NOBODY WILL WIN

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 8th, 2009

Three new things:
1.I got a new profile pic! It took almost an hour to mak. It was gonna be animated... but oh well
2.I got banned for asking NG if they'd fuck their sister... Lol, I didn't know it wasn't allowed!
3.Here are my list of upcoming projects:
Pac Attack
Collect the Damn Eggs
Mr. Marty's QUIZ!
Unnamed platformer with FidioProductions and Super-Yombario

That's it. I'm banned for 3 days, which sucks, cause I was hoping to get my postcount to 1000 before school starts again on Monday... I'll only have 1 day to make 80 posts!
And I'm pleased to say that Collect the Damn Eggs is back in production (thanks to The-One-Banana), and is getting better than ever. However, it won't have online (we may make a version that's just online battles and collecting eggs together), and a lot of the egame has been re-thought, including graphics, story, unlockables, etc. I will tell you there will be AI, unlockables (characters, extra levels) and a full-fledged story. Stay tuned!

Posted by Renandchi2 - January 5th, 2009

I was making a long newspost. I typed for over 15 minutes, but then for some reason the browser accidentally clicked back (I clicked it) and I lost everything... oh well.
Instead of retyping everything, I'm gonna put the name of the projects I'm working on, how much is completed, and a quick description. PM me if you want more info on any project:
Simple Tutorial III: hitTests
90% complete
A tutorial aimed at beginners explaining hitTests

Pak Attack
80% complete
A mouse avioder set in 6 levels avoiding Blinkeys

Mr. Marty's QUIZ!
75% complete
A quiz game with 50 questions. Abandones, but I plan to start working on it again very soon

Flash Libs
30% complete
A Mad Libs game with 5 stories. Probably won't be completed

Real version of Fallin
Not started
A kid falling through a portal repeadetly, but then falling on the ground and bleeding

Unnamed project
Not started
A possible collab (maybe platformer) with MwMike

PM me for info on any projects. If you want more details on a project, don't ask here, but feel free to ask questions or comment

Posted by Renandchi2 - December 30th, 2008

I PM'd Tom asking to get my username changed from Antonyscorner to Renandchi2! And guess what-he did! So it's me, your beloved Antonyscorner, just saying that if you see Renandchi2 around, don't get scared! I changed cause:
*I spelled Anthony wrong in my old username
*I use Renandchi2 for my other forums

Thanks a bundle, Tom! I really appreciate it! And if you see a Antonyscorner around, it's NOT me! Bye!