Haven't posted here in a while. Since November '09 to be exact.
I don't do much Flash stuff anymore, I'm more into making videos. Almost all of them suck though. Like the ideas are good, but I need a new camera and mic. My current videos are just kind of my beginning things or whatever. I have like 4 good ideas I hope to epically film during the summer.
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I also have a good idea for a platform Flash game I want to make, but need a programmer. Where like, I get sucked into a crappy-animated video game land [with video intro and outtro of me being sucked in] and I have to go through some 1-frame stages, maybe like 30, to get back to my world.
I took pictures of me moving and stuff and the annoying thing is getting the background out of the images and erasing all the white in Flash. I wish I could export the images with transparent backgrounds instead of white. But what are you gonna do?
I saw your front page post. So now you have an extra message in your inbox. THERE.